Mohnatoe Chudo APOLLO
CIB, CIE, Ch.Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, RKF, 12xCACIB, 2xRCACIB, 16xCAC
Grand Champion of Russia, 3xChampion of Russian Briardclub
2xBest reproductor-male of National Briardclub 2001 & 2002
21.04.1997 - 28.02.2010
IPO-1, HD-B, pra-ok, car.14/15
father: Ch.Pol Erik Apoll Bis Sun-Flo-Wer, HD-A
mother: Ch.Rus Antarika No Egan Ozolini
br. Evgenia Vanyukova, ow. Elena Kozlova (Kirovsk, Murmansk region)
The pedigree RKF 0000429
See also photoalbooms Apollo, Common, People, Cats and all links in the table Sporting results
The children of Apollo
mother |
data of birth |
quantity |
puppies |
titles in the litter |
Desimon Emmanuel |
1998 |
8 |
5xCAC |
Bingalia ot Egan Ozolini |
1998 |
8 |
3xCACIB, 19xCAC, 4xChClub, 3xChRus, Ch.Ukr & Bye |
Ch.Blondi s Beregov Oki |
2000 |
4 |
Ch.Rus, Ch.Blr, 3xCACIB, 3xR.CACIB, 13xCAC, 5xCh.Club |
Ch.Fines Favorit Fanni |
2000 |
3 |
Feia Bonanza |
2001 |
9 |
Rino-Ch.Rus,CACIB |
Ch.Blondi s Beregov Oki |
2002 |
6 |
2xCh.Rus, 2xCh.Blr, Ch.Ukr, 3xYoungChClub, 2xYoungChRus, 5xCACIB, 15xCAC, 2xCChCl |
Revej Matinal |
2003 |
7 |
YoungCh.Est, Ch.Est,Lat,Lit,Balt, 4xCACIB, 7xCAC |
Ch.Blondi s Beregov Oki |
2003 |
6 |
YoungChClub |
Ch. Gunp Evpatoria Yasnoe Solnyshko |
2003 |
6 |
2xCChCl |
date | show | result | judge | km to home |
15.02.98 | Murmansk, reg CAC | vg - junior cl | M.Polivanov (Rus) | 200 |
23.02.98 | Moscow, CACIB "Eurasia" | vg - junior cl | G.Holm (Fin) | 1800 |
17.05.98 | Petrozavodsk (Karelia), CAC | BIJ-4, vg - junior cl | Alexandrov (Rus) | 800 |
12.09.98 | Moscow, CACIB | Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW | Bosa (Argentina) | 1800 |
24.06.99 | StPeterburg, CACIB "White nights" | 2nd male, RCACIB, CW | R.Homasuridze (Rus) | 1300 |
1999 | Riga (Latvia), CACIB | Best male, CACIB, CW | () | 1900 |
19.05.00 | Moscow, National briardshow | 2ex in work cl, RCAC, CC | K.Fizdon (Pol) | 1800 |
17.06.00 | StPeterburg, CACIB "White nights" | Best male, CACIB, CW | E.Erusalimskaja (Rus) | 1300 |
07.00 | Mikkeli (Finland), CACIB | 2ex in work cl | () | 1600 |
12.00 | Helsinki, Finish Winner, CACIB | 2ex in work cl | () | 1600 |
9.09.00 | Moscow, CACIB | BOB, Best male, CACIB, CW | L.Mach (Swi) | 1800 |
10.00 | European Winner, Poznan (Pol) | 3ex in work cl | () | 3400 |
20.01.01 | Murmansk, reg CAC | Best male, CAC, CW | (Rus) | 200 |
20.01.01 | Murmansk, regional briardshow | BOB, Best male, CChCl, CW, CC | A.Pshenichnov (Rus) | 200 |
23.03.01 | Novgorod, CACIB | BIG, BOB, Best male, CACIB, CW | N.Kharatishvili (Rus) | 1450 |
12.05.01 | Moscow, National briardshow | 3ex in champ cl, Best reproductor | J.Pellas (Fin) | 1800 |
24.06.01 | StPeterburg, CACIB "White nights" | BOB, Best male, CACIB, CW | M.Redlizky (Pol) | 1300 |
8.09.01 | Polish briardshow, Lodz | CWC(=CAC), winner open fawn cl, winner of test.psychom. | M.Santopietro (Ita) | 3000 |
10.11.01 | StPeterburg, CACIB | BIG-6, BOB, Best male, CACIB, CW | N.Sedych (Rus) | 1300 |
11.11.01 | StPb, reg. briardshow | BOB, Best male, CChCl, CC, CW | V.Ivanicheva (Rus) | 1300 |
16.12.01 | Kiev, Ukraine, CACIB | BIG-2, BOB, Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW | M.Iliev (Rum) | 2700 |
19.01.02 | Murmansk, regional briardshow | 2nd male, CW, CC | Sormont (Bye) | 200 |
23.02.02 | Moscow, CACIB "Eurasia" | 2ex - open cl | G.Vandoni (Ita) | 1800 |
6.04.02 | Minsk, Byelorussia, CACIB | BOB, Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW | S.Radjuk (Bye) | 2050 |
18.05.02 | Moscow, National briardshow | 2ex (cl of winners), CC, Best reproductor | M.Santopietro (Ita) | 1800 |
29.06.02 | StPeterburg, CACIB "White Nights" | BOB, Best male, CACIB, CW | R.Homasuridze (Rus) | 1300 |
1.12.02 | StPeterburg, regional briardshow | BOB, Best male, CW, CChCl, CC | Kuleshova (Rus) | 1300 |
16.03.03 | Murmansk, reg briardshow | BOB, Best male, CW, CChCl, CC | Nikitin (Rus) | 200 |
17.05.03 | Petrozavodsk (Karelia), reg briardshow | BOB, Best male, CW, CChCl, CC | I.Baranova (Rus) | 800 |
8.06.03 | Moscow, national briardshow | vg - work cl | C.Janes (Aus) | 1800 |
28.06.03 | StPeterburg, CACIB "White nights" | BIG-3, BOB, Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW | L.Mach (Swi), Molinari (Por) | 1300 |
3.10.03 | Bratislava (Slovakia), European Winner | vg in work cl | Muthsam (Ger) | 3200 |
4.10.03 | Bratislava, UEBB-show | g in work cl, description | J.Dilles (Fra) | 3200 |
23.11.03 | StPeterburg, regional briardshow | BOB, Best male, CW, CChCl, CC | R.Homasuridze (Rus) | 1300 |
27.06.04 | StPeterburg, CACIB "White nights" | RCACIB, CAC, CW | P.Hirsanyj (Hun) | 1300 |
12.12.04 | StPeterburg, CACIB "Nevsky Winner" | Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW | O.Staunskjer (Dan) | 1300 |
12.12.04 | StPeterburg, regional show of briardclub | BOB, Best male, CW, CChCl, CC | Chtchepetova (Rus) | 1300 |
The physical data
height | 70 | slanting lenght | 84 |
lenght of head | 30(13/17) | head in circumference | 54 |
width of breast | 22 | chest in circumference | 87 |
lenght of haire | 35 | wrist in circumference | 13,5 |
HD-B/B (2003, Veterinary Academy of StPetersbourg, Russia) |
PRA-ok (2001, SGGW, Warszawa, Poland) |
Sporting results
23.02.08 | Kirovsk | Towage of sledge | 75m: 15th place from 17 (16,1 sec) |
25.02.06 | Kirovsk | Skijoring, Town Championship | ~100m: 9th place from 10 (20,7sec) speed detention: 7th place from 10 |
27.02.05 | Kirovsk | Skijoring, Town Championship | ~100m: 7th place from 16 (12,2sec) 400m: 3rd place from 4 (1min 30sec) |
7.03.04 | Kirovsk | Skijoring, Town Championship | ~100m: 13th place from 21 (10,58sec) 400m: 4th place from 7 (54,35sec) |
22.02.04 | Apatity | Towage of sledge | 40m: 6th place from 15 (10 sec) |
8.06.03 | Moscow | IPO-1 (B & C), show of Russian briardclub | B: 2nd place from 5, C: 2nd place from 2 |
22.02.03 | Apatity | Russian ring, Championship of North-West of Russia | 4th place from 24 (27,5 points from 50) |
8.09.01 | Lodz - Poland | character testing, show of Polish briardclub | 14 / 15 points, 1st place from 15 (only 8 dogs get > 8 points) |
7.10.99 | Murmansk | IPO-1 qualifaying | A-88, B-88, C-74, =250 |