Mon Ami Pour Toujours ELLIOT
Selection France 2010, car.test 16/20
Champion of Russia, Byelorus, Lithuania
2xCACIB, 7xCAC, CChCl, Young Finnish Winner 2005
Young Champion of Russia, Young Champion of Byelorus, 7xJCAC
csnb - N/N (sert.No 006424 - Genomia, CZ, 23.10.10
HD-A (sert.No 10607 - RKF; pict - Veterinary Academy of StPetersbourg 30.06.07)
father: Palko de la Fôret d'Emeraudes, SelFr, HD-A
mother: Ch.Dk,Lux,UEBB,DkClub Zenia du Champ d'Ardoye, SelFr,Bel, HD-A, IPO-1
breeder: Linda Tjørnelund (Danmark)
owner: Evguenia Razina, e-mail (the male lives in Moscow now)
born 11.10.04, pedigree DKK22168/2004
more pictures see on photoalboom of Linn
pics from French selection are on Facebook
date | show | result | judge | km to home |
17.04.05 | StPetersbourg, CACIB-show "Peterburg Spring" | BIP-2, Best puppy, CW, 1v.p. | Grunander (Swe), Kharatishvili (Rus) | 270 |
23.04.05 | V.Luki (Pskov area), CAC-show | BIP-2, Best puppy, CW, 1v.p. | Oganova (Rus) | 330 |
1.05.05 | Pskov, CAC-show | 2 v.p. puppies | Burykin (Rus) | - |
22.05.05 | Moscow, national show of Briardclub | Best puppy-male, CW, 1v.p. | P.Jacoulot (Fra) | 690 |
3.06.05 | Tulln (Austria), European Championship | Best puppy-male, CW, 1v.p. | C.Janes (Aus) | 2200 |
21.08.05 | V.Novgorod, CACIB-show | Best junior, JCAC, CW, 1ex | S.Shinko (Slo) | 260 |
28.08.05 | Pskov, CACIB-show | Best junior-male, JCAC, CW, 1ex< | P.Stenton (Swe) | - |
17.09.05 | Zhukovsky - Moscow area, regional CAC-show | Best junior, JCAC, CW, 1ex | Mironov (Rus) | 700 |
18.09.05 | Il'inka - Moscow area, reg CAC-show | 2ex, junior class | Krylova (Rus) | 700 |
18.09.05 | Il'inka - Moscow area, reg CAC-show | 2ex, junior class | Svitsova (Rus) | 700 |
8.10.05 | Nizhny Novgorod, CACIB-show | BIG-4, BOB, Best junior, JCAC, CW, 1ex | Rotner (Sloven) | 1000 |
13.11.05 | Minsk - Byelorus, CACIB-show | Best junior, JCAC, CW, 1ex | Werbitski (Blr) | 500 |
17.12.05 | Helsinki - Finland, CACIB-show "Finnish Winner" | 3rd best male, RCAC, Best junior, CW, 1ex | S.Mallard (Eng) | 680 |
18.12.05 | Helsinki - Finland, CACIB-show "North Winner" | vg | M.Mattfolk (Swe) | 680 |
25.02.06 | Moscow, CACIB-show "Eurasia-I" | Best junior, JCAC, CW, 1ex | P.Munteanu (Rum) | 690 |
26.02.06 | Moscow, CACIB-show "Eurasia-II" | Best junior-male, JCAC, CW, 1ex | B.Spoljaric (Cro) | 690 |
21.05.06 | Moscow, national show of Briardclub | v.g. (intermedia cl) | C.Comby (Swi) | 690 |
27.08.06 | Pskov, CACIB-show | Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW, 1ex | T.Sormont (Blr) | - |
30.09.06 | Moscow, CACIB-show "Rossija" | v.g. (intermedia cl) | Soile Bister (Fin) | 690 |
6.05.07 | Pskov, reg CAC-show | exc | Galioskarova (Rus) | - |
19.05.07 | Moscow, national show of Briardclub | CChCl, CC, CW & 1ex in open cl. | J.Debrouwer (Fr) | 690 |
17.06.07 | V.Novgorod, CAC-show | best male, CAC, CW, 1ex | Nik.Sedykh (Rus) | 260 |
17.06.07 | V.Novgorod, CAC-show | BOB, best male, CAC, CW, 1ex | Ostrovska (Rus) | 260 |
14.07.07 | Minsk - Byelorus, CACIB-show | CAC, CW, 1ex | Polivanov (Rus) | 500 |
15.07.07 | Minsk - Byelorus, CACIB-show | BOB, Best male, CACIB, CAC, CW, 1ex | Butrimova (Lit) | 500 |
6.10.07 | Pskov, CAC-show | BOB, Best male, CAC, CW, 1exc | Rakhmanina (Rus) | - |
14.10.07 | Shauljaj - Lithuania, CAC-show | Best male, CAC, CW, 1exc | Livija Vaitkeviciene (Lit) | 500 |
4.11.07 | Tartu - Estonia, CACIB | 2exc in open cl (3rd in best male) | Barbara Muller (Swi) | 125 |
25.05.10 | Moscow, national show of Briardclub | vg | Mme Redlizka (Pol) | - |
12.09.10 | Vendome, France, Selection | Ex, Sel, car.test 16/20 | Herve Blasselle (Fr) | 3200 |
father, mother and granmother:
more information about relatives see on web-sites
Mon ami Pour Toujours
le Champ d'Ardoye
l'Avenue du Miel
Je N'Ai Rien Oublie
la Chaume du Bois Dieu
on our site you can see also Beauté & Deatnu du Champ d'Ardoye
13.04.06, 9 fawn (5 f - 4 m), StPetersbourg - kennel "Gunp"
mother: Daneli Kapriz ot Magik Flame (Eliotte z Krainy Mgiel x Mohnatoe Chudo Vilion-Françoisa)
25.03.07, 10 puppies (3mf, 3mb, 3fb, 1ff), Pskov
mother: Anzhu la Frans l'Anzherye (Sheggi Mirakl Legat x Cleris Antisc Avalanche)
13.10.09, 7 fawn, kennel Nafani, Moscow
mother: Capri Batangas (Taïko du Champ d'Ardoye x Mita z Pierwszej Ligi)

address for lien (without frames): http://briard.ru/en/dogs/Elliot.php
russian version