Mohnatoe Chudo GWENDOLEN
Champion of Russia, Byelorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Baltia, Finlandia, Poland
Interchampion, Champion of National Briard Club
Candidat in Champion of Slovakia
Best black female of Show of National Briardclub 2002, 2003, 2004
10.11.00 - 1.07.09
RKF 1174146
father: Ch.Cz,Slo,Pol,Aus Agassi Nadina
mother: Ch.Rus Mohnatoe Chudo Agressia
br. Vanjukova & Zaichenko, ow. Ilia Kutchin, Sankt-Petersbourg
The pedigree
See also photoalbooms: Gwendolen, People and Common
date | show | result | judge | km to home |
24.06.01 | SPb, "Belye Nochy", CACIB | 2Ex in junior class | M.Redlicki (Pol) | - |
10.11.01 | SPb, reg.briardshow | Ex in junior class | V.Ivanishtcheva (Rus) | - |
24.11.01 | SPb, CAC | Best junior | Kuleshova (Rus) | - |
23.02.02 | Moscow, "Eurasia", CACIB | 2Ex in inter. class | G.Vandoni (Ita) | 600 |
7.04.02 | SPb, CAC | CAC | Sokolova (Rus) | - |
7.04.02 | SPb, CAC | BOB, CAC | Kizina (Rus) | - |
14.04.02 | SPb, CAC | CAC, Best female | V.Ivanistcheva (Rus) | - |
28.04.02 | SPb, CAC | CAC, Best female | Gorbachevsky (Rus) | - |
18.05.02 | Moscow, National Briardshow | Best black female, CChCl, CC | M.Santopietro (Ita) | 600 |
26.05.02 | SPb, CAC | CAC, BOB | Aleksandrov (Rus) | - |
22.06.02 | Pushkin, CAC | CAC, BOB | Grinko (Rus) | 50 |
29.06.02 | SPb, "Belye Nochy", CACIB | Best female, CACIB, CAC | R.Homasuridze (Rus) | - |
17.11.02 | Minsk (Byelorussia), CACIB | BOB, CACIB, CAC | I.Azen (Bye) | 780 |
1.12.02 | SPb, regional briardshow | CW (work.cl.), CC | Kuleshova (Rus) | - |
7.12.02 | SPb, "Newsky winner", CACIB | BOB, CACIB, CAC, BIG-3 | Shvets (Rus) | - |
22.02.03 | Moscow, "Eurasia", CACIB | RCACIB, CAC, (CW - work.cl.) | Marshak (Isr) | 600 |
8.03.03 | Vilnus (Lithuania), "Vilnus Winner", CACIB | BOB, CACIB, CAC, BIG-8 | Kisljakov (Rus) | 700 |
9.03.03 | Vilnus (Lithuania), "Lithuania Winner", CACIB | BOB, CACIB, CAC, BIG-5 | Shvets (Rus) | 700 |
26.04.03 | StPeterburg, CACIB | w/e, work.cl. | S.Gladstone (USA) | - |
18.05.03 | Riga (Latvia), "Latvia Winner", CACIB | BOB, CACIB, CAC | Assenmacher (Ger) | 600 |
8.06.03 | Moscow, show of National Briardclub | Best black female, 2ex in work.cl., CC | C.Janes (Aus) | 600 |
21.06.03 | V.Novgorod, reg.briardshow | 2nd female, CW (work.cl.), CC | S.Radyuk (Bye) | 150 |
21.06.03 | V.Novgorod, reg CAC | BOB, CAC, CW (work.cl.) | Baujes (Rus) | 150 |
28.06.03 | SPb, "Belye Nochy", CACIB | Best female, CACIB, CAC | L.Mach (Swi) | - |
3.10.03 | Bratislava (Slovakia), European Winner | CAC, CW working cl, 1ex | Schicker (Ger) | 1900 |
4.10.03 | Bratislava, UEBB-show | 3ex in work cl, description | P.Jacoulot (Fra) | 1900 |
24.04.04 | Narva (Estonia), nat CAC-show | BIG-3, BOB, Best female, CAC, CW work.cl, 1Ex | Tchumakova (Rus) | 200 |
23.05.04 | Moscow, national show of Briardclub | Best black female, CW (champ), 1Ex, CChCl, CC | C.DeBrouwer (Fra) | 600 |
19.05.04 | Kotka (Finland), CACIB-show | BOB, Best female, CACIB, CAC, CW (work), 1Ex, Cert | M.Borges (Por) | 200 |
27.06.04 | SPb, CACIB-show "Belye Nochy" | BIG-2, BOB, Best female, CACIB, CAC, CW (work), 1Ex | P.Hirsanyj (Hun) | - |
18.07.04 | Augustow (Poland), CAC-show | BIW-3, BOB, Best female, CWC(=CAC), CW (work), 1Ex | Gapanjuk (Lt) | 900 |
21.08.04 | V.Novgorod, CACIB-show | BOB, Best female, CACIB, CAC, CW work, 1ex | S.Zhouck (Blr) | 150 |
21.08.04 | V.Novgorod, regional show of briardclub | BOB, Best female, CChCl, CC, CW work, 1ex | I.Baranova (Rus) | 150 |
28.08.04 | Pskov, CACIB-show | RCACIB, CAC, CW work, 1ex | G.Eva (RSA) | 270 |
4/5.09.04 | Moscow, 2xCACIB-shows | RCACIB, ÑÀÑ, CW & 1ex in work cl v.g | (Chili) | 600 |
12.12.04 | StPeterburg, CACIB-show "Nevsky Winner" | RCACIB, CAC, CW champ, 1ex | O.Staunskjer (Dan) | - |
12.12.04 | StPeterburg, regional show of briardclub | 3rd fem, CW champ, CC, 1Ex | Chtchepetova (Rus) | - |
13.02.05 | Bydgoszcz (Poland), CAC-show | Best female, CWC(=CAC), CW & 1Ex in champ.class | Z.Jakubowsky (Pol) | 1000 |
22.05.05 | Moscow, national show of Briardclub | 2Ex in class of winners, CC, description | P.Jacoulot (Fra) | 600 |
13.08.05 | Sopot - Poland, ÑÀÑIB-show | ÑWÑ, 1ex & CW champ. | L.Mach (Swis) | 1500 |
18.12.05 | StPetersbourg, CACIB-show "Newsky Winner" | ex | Z.Brankovich (Serb/MtNegr) | - |
18.12.05 | StPetersbourg, regional show of Briardclub | 3rd best female, CC, CW, 1ex | Krutsenko (Rus) | - |
The physical data (19 months)
height | 65 | slanting length | 70 |
length of head | 26 | lenght of muzzle | 12 |
width of breast | 21 | circumference of chest | 78 |
circumference of head | 47 | circumference of wrist | 14 |
length of hair | 30 | | |
russian version