- Protocole FCI 18-19.03.06 pour le dépistage officiel de la dysplasie coxo-fémorale & Grille de classification (french language)
- Programme de recherche sur la génétique de la dysplasie de la hanche, Antagen (french language)
- Orthopedic Foundation for Animals - OFA (USA), Hip Dysplasia (data base, statistics since 1974)
- Orthopedic Foundation for Animals OFA (USA), Elbow Dysplasia, (data base, statistics since 1974)
- Hip dysplasia - method PennHIP (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
- About PennHIP method, K.R.Hutton (site Dog owners guide)
- Comparing PennHIP and OFA
- Goods News, Bad News About Hip Status (about OFA), 1997, Fred Lanting
- Hip dysplasia in Dogs, A guide for dog owners, British Kennel Club, 1996 (pdf file)
- Hip Dysplasia Scheme - 126 Breed Mean Scores at 01.11.2008, data of British Veterinary Association - Kennel Club 2001-2008 (pdf file)
- Hip Dysplasia Scheme - Procedure Notes BVA/KC, British Veterinary Association - Kennel Club 2009 (pdf file)
- How to take and read hip joint radiographs in a structured way, Mark Flückiger, Prof., Dipl. ECVDI Dysplasia Committee Zurich (pdf file)
- Scoring radiographs for canine Hip Dysplasia - The big three organisations in the world (OFA, FCI and BVA/KC), Mark Flückiger (pdf file)
- Complex Segregation Analysis of Canine Hip Dysplasia in German Shepherd Dogs, V. Janutta, H. Hamann, O. Distl (Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover - Germany)
- Hip displasia - method OVC, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada
- Dog Hip Dysplasia - Treatment and Prevention, J.M.Giffen, L.D.Carlson
- Canin lameness learning module, H.Carpett, J.Dyce
- Canine hip dysplasia, A.Johnson
- Occurrence of hip joint dysplasia in some hunting dog breeds, V.Ledecký, A.Ševcík, M.Puzder (University of Veterinary Medicine, Košice - Slovak Republic; University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno - Czech Republic)(pdf file)
- Pathogenesis of Canine Hip Dysplasia - DLS Test, George Lust - Baker Institut for Animal Health
- Diagnosis of Hip Dysplasia in Eight-Month-Old Dogs (EHR, DI, DLS, Ortolani), George Lust (pdf file)
- Understanding Hip Evaluations (site of malinois kennel Dantero)
- Analysis for the genetic disposition for hip dysplasia in Canidae, Patent EP2123775A1, 25.11.2009, Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (pdf file)
- Emerging insights into the genetic basis of canine hip dysplasia, 2014, Portugal
- Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) or canine hip dysplasia in German shepherd dogs, dissertations of Yvonne Marschall, Hannover 2007 (pdf file)
- Gesellschaft für Röntgendiagnostik genetisch beeinflusster Skeletterkrankungen bei Kleintieren
- HD-Beurteilung im internationalen Vergleich (Table comparing different methods)